Saturday, February 28, 2009

10 Questions with Kathleen Marcin

The link above will take you to a piece from yesterday's Sun: "10 Questions with Kathleen Marcin." Kathleen is the President of the Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association, an organization that brings together residents, businesses, police, bars, etc. in the Downtown area. (Quite handily linked just to your right). There are some great points in here about the upsides of Downtown -- for one, the very real sense of neighborliness, and two, the fact that you can drive in from work on a Friday, park your car, and not start it again until Monday morning.

Outside of the truly major cities, how many places can say that?

There's also a good plug for the Revolving Museum and a mention of the Gardens right between the Trolley Museum and Lowell Tae Kwon Do.

And, I've got to add, Kathleen has reminded me that not every work policy or "Office Space"-type subject I write about is unique to the public sector -- Honda Corp. has had a policy of paid holidays for employees' birthdays, too.

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